Forest Innovation
Explore how innovation can make Ontario’s forest sector more competitive.
Nextfor helps Ontario’s primary forest industry meet their economic and sustainability goals.
We connect Ontario’s forest resource providers with end users in need of low-carbon solutions.
We leverage the knowledge of our network to identify market opportunities for Ontario’s forest-based products and technologies.
Our targeted funding challenges help move products and technologies to market in Ontario and internationally.
Through the Nextfor Approach, Nextfor builds high-functioning value chains in Ontario’s forest-based bio-economy.
Collaborate to define opportunities & barriers that need to be addressed
Roadmap clear goals & actions
Identify necessary projects & partners; track progress with public results
Funding (if available) will be provided to address barriers & develop market-based outcomes
Nextfor is working to encourage market realization of innovation in the following areas:
Explore how innovation can make Ontario’s forest sector more competitive.
Join innovators who are developing low-carbon solutions for everyday products.