High-Performance Lignin Challenge

Thank you for your interest!

We are no longer accepting applications for this opportunity. We encourage you to monitor our opportunities for future funding challenges.

Project Background

Throughout the Canadian forest sector, Lignin has traditionally been treated as low-quality, low-value side streams of product processing. However, lignin is an abundant raw material. When extracted and processed, lignin has a wide variety of uses and applications, including opportunities to displace traditional fossil- based chemicals and products. Lignin-derived products will play a crucial role in the Canadian bio-economy value chain.

Nextfor launched a series of High Performance Lignin Collaboration Forums to gather value chain feedback on the state of lignin product development in Canada and Ontario. Industry leaders worked together in these sessions to identify three opportunity maps for commercialization:

  • Polymers & Fine Chemicals
  • Resins & Adhesives
  • Thermoplastics & Composites

Project Goals and Outcomes

The purpose of this EOI is to launch a $1 million joint investment challenge (50% industry matching contribution required) to support a project which will establish or increase the commercial readiness of lignin-based platforms; and build robust consortiums through information sharing and collaboration.


For the purposes of this EOI, a consortium must be formed with the lead project proponent being an Ontario-based company. More detail on consortium criteria and eligibility can be found in the supporting documentation.

Launch Date – May 27, 2020