Nextfor hosted a Regional Clustering Workshop on September 16th 2024 in Sault Ste. Marie, ON to discuss next steps for regional clustering and bolstering investment in Ontario’s forestry sector. The agenda of the day included a CRIBE presentation on our new initiatives, including our work on smart specialization, followed by an overview of current & future opportunities in the city of Sault Ste. Marie and a facilitated discussion on the workshop topic, including areas such as data-gathering needs of stakeholders and the role CRIBE can play in resource-gathering.

We would like to sincerely thank our guest speakers for their presentations, and are deeply grateful to have been joined by stakeholders from the forest sector, research, government, First Nation communities, industry and more.

We look forward to providing continued spaces for active dialogue and information exchange, fostering the sustained collaboration needed to support a regional clustering approach to investment and innovation in Ontario’s forest bio-economy.

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